A Look at Healthfirst Membership

Healthfirst is one of the largest not-for-profit health insurers in the nation1.

Close to 2 Million Members

  • 1.1 million are Medicaid members.2
  • 530,000 of the Medicaid members are children.2

NYC Medicaid Population

Healthfirst insures more than one-third of New York City’s Medicaid population.2

Over 200,000 Dual Eligible Members

  • Over 200,000 (82%) of Healthfirst’s Medicare members have dual status or receive Low Income Subsidy (LIS) to assist with prescriptions drug costs.2

NYC Dual Eligible Medicare/Medicaid Population

Healthfirst insures 42% of the dual eligible Medicare/Medicaid population in NYC.2

1Based on revenue for calendar year 2023

2As of March 2024

Communities We Serve

Map of the communities that Healthfirst serves

Membership Diversity

Healthfirst is proud to serve a very diverse population of various ethnicities who speak a wide variety of languages.

16+ ethnicities are represented among our membership.1

Top ethnicities include:

1As of March 2024: Member ethnicity and language data is self-reported; not all members respond to these optional questions.

76 languages and dialects are spoken by our members.1

Top languages include:

1As of March 2024: Member ethnicity and language data is self-reported; not all members respond to these optional questions.

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