A Look at Healthfirst Membership
Healthfirst is one of the largest not-for-profit health insurers in the nation1.
Close to 2 Million Members
- 1.1 million are Medicaid members.2
- 530,000 of the Medicaid members are children.2
NYC Medicaid Population
Healthfirst insures more than one-third of New York City’s Medicaid population.2
Over 200,000 Dual Eligible Members
- Over 200,000 (82%) of Healthfirst’s Medicare members have dual status or receive Low Income Subsidy (LIS) to assist with prescriptions drug costs.2
NYC Dual Eligible Medicare/Medicaid Population
Healthfirst insures 42% of the dual eligible Medicare/Medicaid population in NYC.2
1Based on revenue for calendar year 2023
2As of March 2024
Communities We Serve

Membership Diversity
Healthfirst is proud to serve a very diverse population of various ethnicities who speak a wide variety of languages.
16+ ethnicities are represented among our membership.1
Top ethnicities include:
1As of March 2024: Member ethnicity and language data is self-reported; not all members respond to these optional questions.
76 languages and dialects are spoken by our members.1
Top languages include:
1As of March 2024: Member ethnicity and language data is self-reported; not all members respond to these optional questions.